Christ the Romantic

Christ the Romantic

I’m often asked, ‘If it is indeed the case that Christ saves all of mankind, then what need is there in evangelizing?’ There are multiple issues with this question, only one of which I will address here. The question stated implies that as an ambassador of Christ my primary goal is but to warn people of hell and inform them of their escape route in Christ. Christians, brothers and sisters, it would seem you have lost, or else long forgotten your sense of romance. In the New Testament, Christ isn’t painted as threatening people into heaven; He is portrayed as a groom wooing His bride.

The Commands: Jesus Christ's Handbook for Personal Transformation and World Change

The Commands: Jesus Christ's Handbook for Personal Transformation and World Change

The Commands, “assembled and with notes” by Michael Phillips, is not nearly as well known as it ought to be. As Phillips points out in the Introduction, “[a]ll Christians are familiar with Christ’s Great Commission—his final charge to make disciples of all nations and take his gospel to the ends of the earth. What has gone undetected, however, is the roadmap he gave detailing exactly how this world-changing enterprise is to be carried out…

Zahnd on Revelation

Zahnd on Revelation

Jesus wages war by self-sacrifice and by what he says. Jesus combats evil by co-suffering love and the word of God...A fallen world addicted to war does not believe this, but the followers of Jesus do, or should! If Jesus conquers evil by killing his enemies, he’s just another Caesar. But the whole point of John’s Revelation is that Jesus is NOTHING like Caesar...