Polwarth's Prayer

“O Lord Jesus, be near when it seems to us, as it seemed to thee once, that our Father has forsaken us, and gathered back to himself all the gifts he once gave us. Even thou who wast mighty in death, didst, need the presence of thy Father to make thee able to endure: forget not us, the work of thy hands, yea, the labour of thy heart and spirit. Oh remember that we are his offspring, neither accountable for our own being, nor able to comfort or strengthen ourselves. It thou wert to leave us alone, we should cry out upon thee as on the mother who threw her babes to the wolves — and there are no wolves able to terrify thee. Ah Lord! We know thou leavest us not, only in our weakness we would comfort our hearts with the music of the words of faith. Thou canst not do other than care for us, Lord Christ, for whether we be glad or sorry, slow of heart or full of faith, all the same are we the children of thy Father. He sent us here, and never asked us if we would; therefore thou must be with us, and give us repentance and humility and love and faith, that we may indeed be the children of thy Father who is in heaven. Amen.” 

--from Thomas Wingfold, Curate, by George MacDonald

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